Thursday, March 31, 2011

Unfinished Business

I am one of those people who has no problem putting down a book and not picking it back up if the book in question does not hold my interest. Life is too short and there are too many entertaining books out there to read something boring. I started taking this stance in high school when I was forced to read crap that I hated. I will give a book a good go, but if it sucks, I'm out. So, here is a list of 11 books that I have stopped reading (I have stopped way more books than that, but these are some of the more notable ones).

Category 1: Books I Am Never Going To Finish. Ever.

The Grapes of Wrath-Steinbeck--There is a whole chapter (chapter 5) about a turtle crossing a road. An entire chapter. About a turtle. It has nothing to do with the rest of the book. I gave up after that chapter. The best part is that I was reading it for a high school class and still got an A- on the test by only reading the cliff notes.

Gulliver's Travels-Swift--Again, had to read it in high school. I read the first section and then stopped. It was sooooo boring. I just couldn't read it any longer. It had no point. I'm pretty sure I was the only person in the class who hated it.

Faust-Goethe--I read this in college for a class and really, I gave it a solid go. I read the entire first part, but I just could not force myself to read the second part. Luckily the paper that we had to write on it got canceled. Which was a relief because I didn't have to fake my way through the entire second half, but was also a pain in the ass because it meant that I really hadn't needed to read the first half.

Madame Bovary-Flaubert--I had to read this for the same college class as Faust and I remember just not really about Madame Bovary. I don't even really remember reading it. I remember how much I hated Faust, but I just won't recall anything about Flaubert. It was worse than being bad, it was boring.

Confessions of a Shopaholic-Kinsella--I am a big fan of British chick lit and I love Kinsella's non-shopaholic books, but I really could not get into Confessions. Love the movie, love the writing style, hated the main chick. Just...couldn't understand where she was coming from or why she was so stupid. Most disappointing non-finish.

A Clockwork Orange-Burgess--I didn't make it all the way through the movie either, but that is because it is long and I fell asleep (I found that it got a bit dull after the reprogramming). I decided to try the book because I like weird shit. Honestly, I gave the book a solid try, but I could not figure out what the hell Burgess was saying at all. He made up a ton of words! I don't want to have to work that hard to read something for fun.

Category 2: Going to Finish It If It Kills Me

The Historian-Kostova--I've tried it twice now and I have trouble getting into the story. Or actually I have trouble finding the time to get into the story. I'm going to try again this summer because I like the plot, I like that it is about Dracula, and I like all the history nerd stuff. I will read it. I will!

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-Adams--I read the first three books in high school and then had to stop because I had no idea what was going on in the story. I tried again this past winter and couldn't get into it. I really want to read it. What I've read, I've liked. I feel like such a geek-poser for not having read it.

Circle Trilogy-Dekker--I love Ted Dekker's books. I read The Lost Books, which are a sci-fi(ish) teen(ish) series that shares characters with the Circle Trilogy. But I had issues getting interested in the first Circle book. I have them, so I need to just read them. I love his writing, so I will love it. This seems to just be an issue of laziness.

Category 3: Possibly Going To Read At Some Point (Maybe)

Lord of the Rings-Tolkien--I read The Hobbit and loved it. I read Fellowship of the Ring and liked it. I read part of The Two Towers and stopped. Battles, while exciting to watch in movie form, are dull to read. And the entire book is walking, battles, walking, battles. Maybe it was because I was in high school that I couldn't get through. Or maybe I'm just not programmed to read epics. Dunno, but I may try again at some point.

The Chronicles of Narnia-Lewis--Yeah, ok, confession. I've never read The Chronicles of Narnia. I remember starting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when I was little and just not being interested. I read the first three books right around when the movie came out. I just...couldn't stick with the story. And the characters change. And I just...meh! I may attempt again at some point, but currently I am ambivalent to Narnia.

So, there are the books that I have started reading and failed at finishing. What are your unfinished books? Did you always read everything for class? Or are you one of those people who have to finish a book once you start it?

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I totally identify with your struggles! I, too, tried Lord of the Rings (although also The Hobbit) several times. When I tried to read the series when the movies were coming out, I stalled halfway through The Two Towers. I made it through the walking, battles, walking battles only to be completely defeated by marshes, oh it's another marsh, and some more marshes.

    When I first saw Hitchhiker's on here, I must admit that I was about to get all judgey judge on you. Then I read the description and realized that would have been unfair. I have been rereading the series over the last few months and, after book three, am not particularly motivated to keep moving. The story has gotten much weirder and much less funny. I do plan to finish out of stubbornness though.

    I loved A Clockwork Orange, but I do see your point. The new him is much less fun. And by fun, I mean totally creepy and whacked out.

    Oh my goodness. A whole chapter about a turtle crossing a road. That sounds like it should be the punchline to a joke or something. I guess it is in a sense, because that book is still super popular despite such an absurdity. I had been planning to give that a wide berth, even though I have been okay with some other Steinbeck, and I take your warning to heart.
