Friday, January 28, 2011

Doctor Who Love

If you read this blog with any sort of regularity, you've seen me write about Doctor Who. I am a tad obsessed at the moment. With both Doctor Who and Torchwood. Well, some say obsessed (*cough*Jen*cough*) while I say a fan of. I started watching Doctor Who last spring. Not a very long time of fandom, but dedicated nonetheless.

How did I get into Doctor Who last year when it has been around for decades and the reboot has been around for going on six years? It is all my fellow tart's fault. Jenny had been telling me for months, years even, to watch Doctor Who. I had no interest in it really. I had seen the odd episode here or there (apparently I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes of series 1 at some point, but blocked it from my mind until I started watching them last was weird to realize that I knew what was going to happen) and knew that David Tennant was hot and Christopher Eccelston was crazy awesome. But actually watching the show...meh. And then two things happened. I discovered the hilarious and hotness of John Barrowman and I got NetFlix.

I started reading a bit about Torchwood on Wikipedia and imdb. And I watched a few interview clips and show clips. And I saw that NetFlix had Torchwood on Instant Queue. So I decided that I had to watch it. But, how could I watch Torchwood without first watching Doctor Who? I mean, sure, I could. But I wanted the full experience. Captain Jack Harkness is in the second half of Series 1 of Doctor Who and Series 2 sets up Series 1 of Torchwood. I had already borrowed all the seasons of Doctor Who from Jenny, so I decided to start watching Doctor Who, just so I could get to Torchwood. And upon watching, I became obsessed with The Doctor and his companions and the aliens and all the crazy fun adventures that happen.

Doctor Who is a kid's show in the UK. Shocker, right? I mean, there is a lot of death, killing, scary monsters, etc. in a lot of the episodes. But really when you think about it, The Doctor isn't particularly violent (except again the Daleks), there is no blood, no swearing, no sex. It really is a fairly tame show. Except for the fact that some episodes scare the crap out of me! Torchwood is not a kid's show. I like to say that if you combine Doctor Who with True Blood you get Torchwood. It has a whole lot of sex and a whole lot of violence. Not a lot of swearing, really...only when it really is effective. I like both shows for different reasons. Torchwood gives me the grittiness and emotion that I like my shows to have, and Doctor Who gives me that fun sense of adventure and heart.

What attracts me most to the whole Doctor Who universe is just that, the universe. It is such a complex world. Time travel, space travel, alternate is all so cool. I mean, who doesn't want to hop in a police box and go see a Shakespeare play, presented by Shakespeare? Or see when the Earth is destroyed in 5 billion years? It is so awesome! I don't particularly believe in aliens as seen in Doctor Who, but how cool would it be if it were real? I love Doctor Who because it is a robust universe that you can get immersed in. It is so fantastical, yet all rooted in the heart and the sense of adventure and learning and trying something new. What better world to loose yourself in?


  1. Oh, David Tennant. He is so freaking adorable, although I really hate how much his Doctor Who is in love with Rose. Man, do I hate Rose in her second series.

  2. I also hate Rose! I like her much more with Christopher Eccelston. David Tennant is super adorable, but he gets really serious there at the end of season 4 and the specials. I like how goofy and quirky Matt Smith is.
