Thursday, January 27, 2011

Review: May Day by Jess Lourey

Look at that! I read a book that wasn't chick lit/by Jennifer Crusie. See, I occasionally change it up. I stayed up way too late last night to finish May Day because I hit that point in the book of "OMG! I have to finish it and find out who the killer is and why right NOW!". was one of those books.

So, how did I pick this book? My mom suggested it to me. Or rather, she read it and the sequels and kept telling me how much I would love it and that she thought I would like it and have I managed to find it yet? So, when I found May Day (the first of now 4 Murder by Month books by Lourey), I started reading it. And once again, mom does not disappoint. I quite loved May Day and can't wait to read more!

May Day begins with a murder, or rather, the finding of a body in the library. The finder is Mira, who happens to recognize the body as the guy she had been dating/sleeping with/planning on falling in love with forever/hanging out with for the past week. Instead of being sad, she gets mad that the potential future she was picturing is gone and decides to try to figure out what happened. Her methods of detective work leave much to be desired as everyone seems to know what she is doing. And not many people are willing to help her out seeing as she is an outsider in their small Minnesota town.

There were a couple things I really enjoyed about May Day.
1) Mira's voice...oh man! She is hilarious. You know how in some books the narrator uses a voice that sounds very stilted and boring? Not Mira! She talks like how I talk and thinks of things in a different way than most people. She has a way of thinking of something she shouldn't do and deciding "ah, screw it" and does it anyway. And pretty much in that tone. Excellent!
2) Side characters! Besides Mira, everyone was a side character, but they all felt like full characters. Each person had motivation as to why they were acting the way they were and it all made sense.
3) I kind of didn't see the ending coming. Well, I sort of guessed who the killer way part way through because I read a lot of murder mysteries and always look at the unexpected character, but I didn't actually think it was going to happen that way. But then it did! And the reasoning was twisted and awesome.
4) Mira is kinda kick-ass. She is the assistant librarian in town, her favorite hobby is gardening, she loves watching trashy tv, when the time comes to attack, she really delivers. All around badass!

If you like mysteries, I highly recommend!

And now, in other news...I also finished The Science of Doctor Who. Or rather, I turned it back into the library even though I had only read half of it. And it wasn't because I didn't enjoy it. I am a math person, but I am not a science person. Some of that shit was over my head! I get the physics stuff somewhat, but any talk of chemistry, atoms, biology, aliens...yeah...nothing! It wasn't a book I could read before bed or just for fun in the evenings. I will probably read more of it at some point as it was super interesting to see how some of the crazy-ass stuff they do in Doctor Who could potentially be semi-possible-ish. Like the Tardis being bigger on the inside? Cha, on a super duper small scale (like...atoms small) they have done that. Made something bigger on the side. What? I don't get why (I read that section twice...still don't understand), but how cool is that. And the traveling through worm holes...totally plausible! And I kind of understood that. My favorite was the analysis of the Cybermen as I learned a bit about cyborgs in college. So, if you are a Doctor Who fan and/or like nerdy science things, read it!

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