Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Challenged Books

The American Libraries Association has released the list of the most challenged books of 2010. I was going to actually comment about it, but I don't have time right now as the time I was going to spend blogging turned into time I used to read the blog of an author that I now want to read all the books of. So....the list

My biggest question...Hunger Games...sexually explicit? Really? When was that? I don't remember anything sexually explicit about Hunger Games. If there is sexually explicit material in it, I may need to reread.


  1. So I have three questions after looking at this list:

    1) Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian- one of the reasons for banning it was 'sex education.' I haven't read this book, but that makes it sound like it educates kids about sex and that's bad. Anyone know what that's about?

    2) Seriously, if I missed some nice sexually explicit material in The Hunger Games, I will make a sad face and then start rereading.

    3) Wait, so The Hunger Games is sexually explicit, but the Twilight series...isn't? For real, crazy book-bannin' folk?

  2. 2) That was my thought! If there sex in Hunger Games I am rereading.

    3) I agree that if Hunger Games is sexually explicit than so is Twilight, but I really don't think either one is. I have just come to the conclusion that all book-banning people are mental.

  3. No doubt about that. I think the only reason to ban a book should be factual inaccuracy or inability to use grammar (and not in an intentional way). And I don't really believe in that, but I do want to chuck those books out the window and denounce them.
