Friday, November 19, 2010

Ranking Harry Potter pt. 2 & 3: The Movies and the Characters

I'm going to try to rank the movies, though I don't have much of reasoning for any of the rankings. I am finding the movies harder to rank than the books for some reason. But alas, I shall press on:

1) Order of the Phoenix: I get so annoyed with Harry, but the battle at the ministry totally makes up for it. Also, Umbridge!

2) Half-Blood Prince: Lavendar and Ron! I mean, I laughed to tears with that. And the slug club stuff. Genius. And it was the first movie that had really good Quidditch. I also absolutely love love love Cormac McLaggen! And the friendship between Harry and Hermione. Crap, this one should be number 1, except there is something that I just adore about OotP.

3) Goblet of Fire: First movie that I thought Daniel Radcliffe did a really good job in. And again, Cedrid Diggory and Victor Krum! You can't go wrong. And the end is crazy awesome. And it has David Tennant! So great.

4) Prisoner of Azkaban: This is visually my favorite movie, but I really did not like the casting for Lupin. He was nothing like in my head. Wah wah!

5) Chamber of Secrets & Sorcerers Stone: So, I am cheating on this one because I literally cannot decide which is my least favorite. SS brought it all to life, but the first time I saw CoS was the most fun viewing due to going with a giant group of friends. They both have a special place in my heart, but both are not super fabulous movies.

And now onto ranking my favorite characters from the books. I'm not going to do all the characters because that would take for-freakin'-ever. But I will list out my favorites and my reasons why (if I do, in fact, have good reasons for liking them).

1) Fred Weasley: He is the loud twin, the one who is willing to run with any plan. George is the one who is the brains behind it all, but Fred is the one out there acting on it. I fell in love with him for how he asked Angelina to the Yule Ball.

2) Severus Snape: How can you not like a tortured baddie? I mean, sure, he is really really mean to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but in the best possible way from a story point of view. He is probably the most complex character in the series.

3) Draco Malfoy: What can I say? I love me some evil! I like his journey through the series and where he ends up. He is mean and evil, but also scared. So much fun.

4) Hermione: I am Hermione. The end.

5) Dolores Umbridge: Dude, she is just so bad and crazy. It is an ideal combination for a story.

6) Ginny Weasley: I like that Ginny is a complete, 100% badass. She is an awesome fighter, sticks up for herself, doesn't take crap from anybody, and is a nice person. What isn't to like?

7) Luna Lovegood/Neville Longbottom: I really like the quirky underdog. They are both rather odd and outside the norm, but really come into their own in the last book.

8) Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan: I like the background characters. They are such an amusing pair. I get so annoyed with Seamus in OotP when he is a dick to Harry, but then he comes around. And Dean really gets a nice showcase in DH.

9) Reamus Lupin: He is the one kind of stable adult figure in Harry's life. Sure, he's a werewolf, but he is also an incredible teacher and gives Harry good advice. He also does a good job of defusing Sirius.

10) Cedric Diggory: Every time I read GoF, I fall in love. Every time I read GoF, my heart is broken when he dies. He is just a nice guy and tries to do the right thing.

Honorable Mentions: Molly & Arthur Weasley, The Dursleys, The Marauders when they were at Hogwarts, The Weasley Twins & Lee Jordan, Barty Crouch, Jr. & Mad-eye Moody (they are kinda the same person, but on either side of the evil/not-evil scale), Lavendar Brown, Ron Weasley (except in GoF and parts of DH), Argus Finch, Gilderoy Lockhart, Tom Riddle (in the diary), Dobby, Hagrid, Cormac McLaggen and Oliver Wood.

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